Upcoming Events

Stay up-to-date with the latest SFG20 events. Make sure you are following us on LinkedIn to find out any upcoming events.

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1st & 2nd July 2024

The FM Forum is a focused event for forward thinking procurement professionals to meet, learn and connect with industry suppliers offering the most innovative FM products and services



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FM Healthcare Conference

3rd July 2024

The Facilities Management in Healthcare Conference event plays a pivotal role in formulating strategies and optimising the performance of facility management teams within the NHS. It serves as a platform for senior leaders in the NHS to come together and discuss transformative solutions essential for improving facilities and estates.

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Healthcare Excellence Through Technology

24th - 25th September 2024

Get a year's worth of networking, idea exchange, and peer connection packed into just two days! Elevate patient outcomes with actionable insights that boost care quality, operational efficiency, and decision-making prowess.

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Care Roadshow

15th October 2024

This event provides the perfect opportunity to source the latest innovations in the care industry, hear sector updates and enjoy valuable networking opportunities.



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Education Estates

15th - 16th October 2024

The 12th edition of Education Estates® will take place on 15-16 October 2024 at Manchester Central. The event comprises a two-day multi-stream conference, an exhibition showcasing some of the most innovative solutions around and an awards ceremony celebrating excellence.

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FM Technology Forum

21st October 2024

This event is specifically designed for senior fm professionals looking to enhance their knowledge of the technology available to them to assist in their role. Product and services providers who provide the latest innovative technology and services within the sector.

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ATOM Networking

11th - 12th November 2024

These networking events allow suppliers and buyers across defined market sectors to meet in a structured manner. The event includes 20 minute scheduled meetings which are assembled according to the selections of buyers and suppliers in advance of the event. 

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University & Healthcare Estates and Innovation

13th - 14th November 2024

The UHEI Conference & Exhibition Series 2024 is the ideal place for higher education and healthcare sector estate professionals to get the latest policy updates and discover new initiatives around estate management and the technology that enables them.

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Can't wait until the next event to find out more?

Why not book a demo to explore SFG20’s unique software for yourself with an expert-led demo. Start your journey towards more efficient and effective facilities management today.

Man in white hard hat holding clipboard

What to expect from an SFG20 demonstration

  • To meet a friendly, professional product expert
  • To have a tailored demonstration focusing on the functionality that will benefit you the most
  • To spend approximately 30 minutes with a team member and learn how SFG20 can solve your specific challenges

What NOT to expect:

  • No hard sell!
  • No monologues!
  • No lengthy product demonstration!