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SFG20 wins government grant to develop a BIM interface

In partnership with Northumbria University, this work will deliver an innovative new application for the industry standard maintenance specification SFG20 web service.

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Building on SFG20's existing capability to model and customise legally compliant client/sector specific, fit-for-purpose, cost-effective maintenance regimes to inform tendering and subsequent contract in management and audit, 'SFG20 for BIM' will provide a 2-way interface between individual native building models and SFG20.

Data transfer from construction to Operation & Maintenance phases will permit automatic generation of customised maintenance solutions from BIM models. In addition, Operation & Maintenance data will inform whole-life design decisions, with collaboration between construction and facilities management teams benefiting stakeholders throughout the building cycle.

Following receipt of the grant, work will start shortly and a fully developed concept will be delivered to Market in early 2016.

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  • To meet a friendly, professional product expert

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  • To spend approximately 30 minutes with a team member and learn how SFG20 can solve your specific challenges

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